
Thinking From the Past into the Future

What is All Nations? 

The Center blends effective practices of modern technology with the beautiful traditions of the Lakota Way in the luscious confines of the rich Spirit-filled Yellow Bear Canyon valley just outside the Black Hills, south of the Badlands in South Dakota.

There are astronauts prepared to go into outer space here at the All Nations Gathering Center. We make our astronauts go deep into inner space where our ancestors discovered the mysteries within us to ensure a peaceful, happy co-existence.


The Possible

What Can I Expect - What is Expected of Me? 

Events are designed, and customized, with your needs and wants in mind.  Half day-long workshops are available, as well as events that can last 3 or 4 days that are complete with room and board.

As an example, a 2-day workshop consists of the following;

  • Check in’s, circling up

  • Wheel of Life, where you are out of balance

  • EQ importance, meeting others where they are emotionally

  • Understanding the Saboteurs, how your ego works

  • Finding your Values, the fuel to leading a mission filled life

  • Importance of breathing, and releasing anxiety

  • Meditation, silence, smudge, following the bell

  • Bodywork, more consciousness around health

  • Leaving the Drama of life and staying in Purpose

  • Integrating everything within the Lodge

  • Leaving your legacy, what is your mission on this planet

  • You will find your True North, the compass within you, through a whole new way.  

We also have events that could last a half day.  Some of the teachings include emotional intelligence, finding your core values, and learning what blocks you from what you want, all within traditional Lakota cleansing and blessing ceremonies.

Prices vary on the number of people attending, and length. Room and board can be provided either under the roof of All Nations building, at the local hotel, or by roughing it in your own in a Tipi or tent. All Nations Gathering Center is unlike any place of Mother Earth.

This is what we have to offer from All Nations Gathering Center for In-Kind Match.

  • Use of kitchen for meals.

  • Camping space.

  • Use of facility, staff time.

The requirement of participants from their part.

  • Provide culturally appropriate group support to participants.

  • Provide traditional plant workshops, walks and retreats for participants.

  • We will rent the meeting space.

  • We agree with our role in the management plan, and everyone works together.

For more information on booking All Nations as a venue or coming to be in relationship, contact us below or click this direct link Contact Us — All Nations Gathering Center


Ready to start planting seeds?


